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2023 Fall Convention General Membership Meeting Agenda


  • Hyperlink in agenda below

1.  Call to Order– Dr. Michelle Rose

2.  Quorum check—Dr. Carly Swift

3.  Anti-Trust Statement – Dr. Swift

Members are reminded that various state and federal laws prohibit the exchange of information among competitors regarding matters pertaining to prices, refusals to deal, market division, tying relationships and other topics which might infringe upon antitrust regulations, and that no such exchange or discussion will be tolerated during this meeting.  These guidelines apply not only to formal meeting sessions, but also to informal discussions outside of the formal meeting.

4.  Approval of the Agenda – Dr. Swift *

5.  Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes – Dr. Swift *

6.  Special Orders – Dr. Rose

    • Officer Elections - Dr. Allison Schwartz

7.  ACA Report (Reports Compilation)

8.  ICA Report (Reports Compilation)

9.  Board of Medicine Representative Report – Dr. Jennifer Rathmann

10.  Lobbyist Report *

11.  Virginia ChiroPAC Report – Dr. Brad Robinson (Reports Compilation)

12.  Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Taylor Myers (Reports Compilation)

13.  Immediate Past President’s Report -- Dr. Chris Perron (Reports Compilation)

14.  Vice President Report – Dr. Robert Pinto (Reports Compilation)

15.  District Director Reports (Reports Compilation)

16. Strategic Plan & Committee Reports – Dr. Rose *

    • Mentor Program – Dr. Trochim

17.  President’s Report - Dr. Rose

    • Special Recognition

18. ChiroCongress and Future of Chiropractic Strategic Plan Reports - Dr. Pinto (Reports Compilation)

19.  Executive Director’s Report - Ms. Connolly

20.  Unfinished Business

21.  New Business

22.  Announcements – Dr. Rose

23.  Call to Adjourn – Dr. SwiftUpdated 10/07/2023