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Categories & Applications

Membership Categories

Student/New GradChiropractic college student or recent graduate who has not yet become licensed.
1st YearDoctor of Chiropractic in his or her first year of practice in Virginia.
2nd YearDoctor of Chiropractic in his or her second year of practice in Virginia.
3rd YearDoctor of Chiropractic in his or her third year of practice in Virginia.
4th YearDoctor of Chiropractic in his or her fourth year of practice in Virginia.
Out of State DCDoctor of Chiropractic who practices outside of Virginia; for example, those considering moving to Virginia from another state to practice or those who are not actively practicing in the state, but wish to maintain their Virginia license.
Retired DCA DC who is licensed to practice chiropractic in Virginia but retired from active practice.
DC Spouse*Husband or wife of an existing DC member practicing in the same office.
Allied SupplierRepresentative from a vendor company that markets its products or services to the chiropractic community. [link to supplier member benefits]
PremierUpgraded membership with increased benefits. [link to premier member benefits]

Membership Classifications

Active: A member licensed and actively practicing chiropractic in Virginia. May vote at any general membership meeting, hold office, or serve on committees. Completed application must be received by the VCA at least 30 (thirty) days prior to any membership meeting at which the applicant desires to vote.

Retired: A member who is licensed to practice chiropractic in Virginia but who is retired from active practice. May vote at any general membership meeting, hold office, or serve on committees. Completed application must be received by the VCA at least 30 (thirty) days prior to any membership meeting at which the applicant desires to vote.

Honorary: Except as described below, an honorary member is a member who is licensed to practice chiropractic in Virginia and who has been designated as an honorary member by more than a two-thirds vote of the VCA membership present and voting at any general membership meeting. Honorary membership generally is awarded for outstanding and distinguished service to the chiropractic profession. Except honorary limited, members may vote at any general membership meeting, hold office, or serve on committees. Completed application must be received by the VCA at least 30 (thirty) days prior to any membership meeting at which the applicant desires to vote. Temporary honorary membership shall be granted to the VCA President during his/her term of office as President.

Limited: A member who is:

  • A licensed chiropractor not actively practicing chiropractic in Virginia (out-of-state limited member),
  • An unlicensed student enrolled in an accredited college studying chiropractic (student limited member),
  • An honorary member who is not licensed to practice chiropractic in Virginia (honorary limited member), and
  • A non-chiropractor who desires to support the chiropractic profession (allied limited member).


An active, retired or honorary (except honorary limited) member shall be entitled to one vote at all general membership meetings, except for voting to elect District Directors. Only those Members residing in a district may vote to elect a District Director from that district. Completed application must be received by the VCA at least 30 (thirty) days prior to any membership meeting at which the applicant desires to vote.


Membership Category              Monthly                QuarterlyYearly
Student/New Gradn/an/a$ 35.00 1x Fee
1st year in VA practicen/a$42.50$ 170.00
2nd yr in VA practicen/a$ 90.00$ 360.00
3rd year in VA practicen/a$ 132.50$ 530.00
4th year or moren/a$ 162.50$ 650.00
Premier DC Upgrade$ 125.00$ 375.00$ 1,500.00
DC Spouse *n/a50% of 1st DC rate50% of 1st DC rate
Out of State DCn/a$ 30.00$ 120.00
Retired DCn/a$ 15.50$ 62.00
Allied Suppliern/a$ 137.50$ 550.00


Dues may be paid on a quarterly or annual basis (or monthly for Premier DCs) via EZ-Pay enrollment using your credit card or bank account. EZ-Pay helps your cash flow and budgeting and allows more of your dues investment to go to servicing you and your profession, rather than administrative costs. You may change your payment form or cancel at any time without penalty. EZ-Pay enrollment form