Sound Bites
How has membership benefitted you?
Why is VCAdoctalk so beneficial?
What is the importance of unification?
What is your favorite part of membership?
Real Benefits
- Participation in VCAdoctalk, the e-mail discussion group that allows you to easily ask questions and exchange information on a myriad of subjects with chiropractic offices throughout the state (many members say that this alone is worth the dues!). [Policies]
- Discounts on online and in-person CEUs and staff training.
- Listing in our web-based, searchable Find-a-Doc listing.
- Free classified advertising; for example, if you're seeking an associateship, buy equipment, or to share, purchase or lease office space.
- Deep discounts on registration to top-notch educational programming for you and your office staff.
- Your own district director to provide you with a regional contact, answer questions, etc.
- Access to the expertise of leadership and committee specialists on coding, documentation, Medicare, insurance, legislative issues, financial/accounting issues, and more.
- Access to the members-only section of VCA's web site with additional tools and information.
- Subscription to the quarterly newsletter, The Virginia Voice.
- Email and text alerts to keep you informed, up to date, and compliant.
Real Practice Support
- A dedicated District Director in your specific region to help you find the answers to your questions and concerns, and to insure that your positions are presented to the VCA Board.
- Ability to get convenient, fast advice and ideas from your colleagues throughout the state via the member list serve, vcadoctalk.
- Committees with focused work and education in the areas of insurance, legislation, education, and more.
- Medicare updates, insurance relations tips, marketing tools, practice management strategies, research and technical reports, in-depth reviews of laws that affect Virginia doctors, and other timely news and information via the newsletter, web site, monthly faxes, broadcast email, and special mailings.
- Dynamic blog to keep you even more current and in-touch with what’s happening.
- Resource for quality suppliers committed to serving the needs of the chiropractic marketplace.
- A members-only section on the web site packed full of valuable tools and information.
Real Accomplishments
Made Possible by UVCA Members:
- Strong, consistent presence in the Capitol via one of the most respected lobbyists in Richmond, Bruce B. Keeney, Sr., President, The Keeney Corporation.
- Confirmation that dry needling is permitted by chiropractors with appropriate training.
- The right for DCs to issue temporary DMV handicapped placards.
- Powerful legal action on behalf of Virginia chiropractors, such as the filing of a major lawsuit against Trigon.
- Legislation allowing DCs to serve on Workers Compensation boards.
- Retaining of any-willing provider status under PPOs.
- Defeat of physical therapists’ bill that would have prevented DCs from using modalities.
- Guaranteed mandated provider status under the insurance equality laws.
- Efforts to insure chiropractic representation on committee to formulate ethics guidelines for everyone regulated by the Board of Medicines.
- The right for limited license radiology technicians to take our x-rays.
- Ongoing project to correct problems caused by DCs’ non-physician status and insure DC inclusion in health care legislative changes. Without such efforts, chiropractors would not be included in legislation that benefits physicians unless legislation was specifically amended to include chiropractors. With this initiative, good or bad legislation introduced by the medical society would also include us.
Real Pride
… Last but not least, the knowledge that you are making a real difference by supporting and participating in the largest and most effective chiropractic organization in the state, rather than just "riding on the coat tails” of others… An organization dedicated to heightening awareness of the scientifically validated safety and efficacy of chiropractic, obtaining true parity in the health care arena, and to moving the profession according to the needs and priorities of its members.
Real Cost Savings
- Reduced dues for DC students and new grads, new practitioners, out-of-state DCs, retired DCs, and those experiencing financial hardship.
- Significant discounts on face-to-face and virtual educational programs for DCs and their staff.
- Special discounts and value-added member programs from a wide range of top-quality affinity partners including:
- Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence
- ChiroCode Institute
- ChiroHealthUSA
- Chiropractic Health Insurance Programs
- ChiroUp
- Computer Troubleshooters
- Foot Levelers
- Gold Star Medical Business Services
- Infinedi
- The Kanvas App from Kaizenovate
- Personal Injury Training Institute
Visit Member Affinity Programs for details.
Email, or contact your personal district director (see listing under VCA Leadership).
To find a Doctor of Chiropractic in Virginia, visit this site's "Find-A-Doctor" section.
Find providers of goods and services who support the chiropractic profession as Supplier Members of the VCA.
Search for suppliers by product/service.
Display the Difference!
Demonstrate your commitment to the highest standards of continuing education, ethical practice and involvement in healthcare in the State of Virginia.
- Display the Unified VCA member SEAL on your stationery, business card, signage, web site, in your yellow pages ad, etc. For ideas, guidelines, or to submit intended usage for approval, contact the UVCA office.
- Affix a Unified VCA member DECAL to your office door or window.
- Frame a personalized membership CERTIFICATE for your waiting room, treatment room, or office.
JPG of the Unified VCA Member logo.
Order a decal and/or membership certificate.